Making Gardening Easy For Just About Anyone (2)

Making Gardening Easy For Just About Anyone

Source: Flickr

Gardening is a great activity for individuals and whole families. Benefits range from beautiful yards to fresh and free fruits and vegetables. Even if you have a green thumb, some tips and tricks to the trade yield results. Read on for some insights you can use in growing your plants.

Prune climbing roses after blooming. The first year you plant a climbing rose it won’t require any pruning – simply encourage it to grow. A rambling rose or large-flowered climber probably won’t bloom until the second summer. In early spring, prune out any dead branches, and generally tidy up the plant. After blooming, remove the oldest canes that are showing no signs of new growth. Don’t leave this too late, as climbing roses produce strong new growth immediately after flowering, and you may end up pruning the new canes which are responsible for producing flowers the following year.

It is best to prune your ornamental grass in early spring. This will allow for a more plush growth, and make it healthier as well. Cut as close to the ground as you can. Tie off the tops of the grass to make your job easier to perform.

Yeast traps can rid your garden of slugs. Just sink some shallow jars filled with beer into the ground. The slugs are naturally attracted to the yeast the beer contains. They will enter the trap and won’t come out. Check your traps every few days to keep them clean.

Never try to work with soil that is too moist. Extreme moisture levels can damage the soil’s structure. This will make it difficult to work with and not as valuable to your plant’s health. Soil should crumble a bit in your hand, and never stick together like a mud pie.

Try using latex or plastic gloves instead of cloth gardening gloves. Cloth gardening gloves do not block moisture well – a problem when working with moist soil, and they often get stiff, crinkly, and uncomfortable after a few uses. A sturdy pair of plastic or latex gloves, like those used for cleaning, are a much better choice. They protect against moisture, and cleaning is as simple as rinsing them off under a hose and hanging to dry.

Make bloom-times overlap. Plant both early and late blooming plants next to each other, so that you have flowers all season long. Shallow-rooted annuals can be planted around deep-planted spring bulbs – when the bulbs die down, the annuals will just be coming into flower. For each season, choose one outstanding plant to serve as the key flower. Plant in drifts throughout the bed, and fill in with secondary flowers.

If you have room, consider putting in a raised bed in your garden. A raised bed prevents soil compaction from people stepping on the soil. Raised beds also provide better drainage for your plants, allowing roots to breathe better. Another advantage is that you can control the soil quality better in a raised bed.

Any gardener knows that seeds properly planted bare fruit after time. Keep the seeds of knowledge from this article planted firmly in the garden of your mind. Over the coming seasons and growing cycle, you are sure to see the advice here blossom into helpful habits in your gardening activities.


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