This Is What $1 Will Buy You To Eat Around the World

These days it seems like $1 really doesnt get you much. Maybe a pack of gum or a scratch-off lottery ticket you hope will net you at least $2. Profit!

Butthe people at BuzzFeed asked their communitywhat kind of food $1 can buy in their country for the equivalent of $1 in America currency. After all, it alwayscomes back to food, and you know if you had extra money you would totally buy the name brand cereal even when it wasnt on sale.

But if you have an extra dollar, check out what grub you could get around the world. Take it with a grain of saltsome of the choices are kind of weirdbut the differences are pretty staggering.


Shanghai 8 vegetable dumplings from a food stand

Can you go back and fill up containers you bring yourself? That’s a pretty good deal.


Czech Republic one and a half bottles of beer

Take one down, pass it around…


Colombia three empanadas

Three? That’s it? I think I’ll go with the eight dumplings over in Shanghai.


Poland one shot at a bar

$1: This is a nice place.

$2: I should dance. We should dance, right?

$3: Look! You can do a polka on the table andit won’t even collapse!

$4: I’m never drinking again.


Uruguay one liter of bagged milk

Ugh. We have to do conversions here? That would be about 2 pints or .26 gallons.

What would you spend your $1 on if we created our own list?


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